Specializing in Comprehensive General and Cosmetic Dentistry



Archie Dental Group in Elk Grove, California offers dental examinations, necessary X-rays, and regular cleaning at $45 for new patients only*. This is not valid with insurance coverage.

Making Good Dental Decisions

Our comprehensive dental care program includes not only a variety of dental services but also a preventative maintenance schedule to help keep your teeth and gums healthy and vibrant. We provide:

  • Emergency Services
  • Convenient Hours, Including Evenings
  • Same-Day Appointments When Available
  • Consultations for Cosmetics and Periodontics
  • Cosmetic Dentistry and Implant Procedures
  • Payment Plans – Visa/Mastercard, American Express, Debit Care Credit

General Dentistry

After your initial dental examination, we will discuss and present your treatment needs. A comprehensive periodontal examination will get you on the right track to a healthy smile. Dr. Archie will provide you with sound advice and dental treatment options.

A variety of dentistry specialists may recommend anything from implants, root canals, tooth-colored fillings, crowns, bridges, and dentures in your treatment needs. You can feel confident that Dr. Archie and his experienced team will provide you with the highest quality of comprehensive dentistry in a caring, nurturing environment.

Preventative Dentistry

Our team has the latest technology available to us to help you get and maintain a healthy mouth and smile. Starting with a comprehensive dental examination by Dr. Archie, you will have a custom-tailored hygiene program facilitated by our gentle, caring staff.

Whether you need a general periodic teeth cleaning or advanced nonsurgical periodontal therapy, we can help. We have comfortable programs for you to look good, feel better, and maintain a healthy, beautiful smile.


Porcelain Veneers and Cosmetic Bonding

Both porcelain veneers and direct bonding can be very beautiful and natural-looking, and can correct many discrepancies in the smile, such as mild rotations, crowding, cracked or chipped teeth, discolored teeth, etc.

Direct bonding is mostly recommended for minor corrections and corrections on children whose teeth have not finished erupting and whose gum tissues still have some expected developmental changes. Bonding is not recommended for major changes in adults because the material is rather brittle and may chip and crack. The longevity of bonding is not expected to be as long as that of porcelain veneers.

Some porcelain veneers are heat-and-pressure-treated and are made in the laboratory. This gives them the potential of lasting indefinitely. Veneers can better accomplish some changes due to the fact that we can re-sculpt and reshape teeth much more effectively when we are removing excessive tooth structure as well as adding porcelain where there is a deficiency.

With bonding, we do minimal tooth preparations, if any at all. The advantage of bonding is that it is a relatively reversible procedure since the tooth structure remains mainly intact. However, the teeth may feel thicker than usual.

It is prudent to note that direct bonding is only expected to remain stable for 6 months to a year, where veneers are expected to remain stable for 5 years or more.

Bonding also has a tendency to stain because it is more porous, where veneers are much more color-stable.

We recommend porcelain veneers for adults and direct bonding for children or very small repairs. However, if a patient desires, due to cost savings or other considerations, direct bonding may be done on adults as well.


Dental Implants

About Dental Implants

Around 40 million Americans have lost all or some of their teeth. Dental implants are a popular option for replacing those lost teeth. Implants will help you regain confidence in your smile, and they are comfortable and attractive. They are an alternative to bridges, partials, or dentures. Implants can look and feel like natural teeth.

Basically, an implant is a metallic titanium object that a dentist inserts into your jawbone to act like a natural tooth root. The body’s immune system doesn’t recognize titanium, so it is not rejected as an implant. The titanium object integrates with the jawbone to give firm support to the artificial replacement that it will support.

Reasons for Implants

  • You do not need to worry about your dentures falling out; implants provide a stable foundation.
  • They improve biting pressure.
  • They can be used by people with insufficient teeth or issues with jaw structure.
  • They restore proper chewing ability, and this leads to improved overall health and a better diet.
  • They eliminate tooth shifting.
  • You will not experience loose dentures anymore.
  • You will not experience gooey denture adhesives.
  • They improve speech.
  • They won't apply damaging pressure to your natural teeth.
  • They are comfortable and fit well.
  • They help preserve healthy vital tooth structures (unlike a bridge).
  • They look and feel like your natural teeth.
  • They increase your self-confidence when talking and smiling.

Ideal Candidates

We recommend that candidates for dental implants should be in good health, have healthy gums, have good oral habits for the aftercare, and have a healthy jawbone to support the implants.

Some chronic diseases, existing dental problems, diabetes, bone disorders, smoking, and alcohol may adversely affect your dental implants. We can evaluate your situation to determine if dental implants are the best option for you.

Risks Associated With Implants

Complications are rare with implant procedures. When infections or other complications occur, medication or surgical intervention may be used to treat it. Oral surgery may also damage the nerve that controls sensation. This complication is rare and may be temporary or permanent.

In addition, there is a risk of bleeding, swelling, bruising, infections, discomfort, cosmetic problems, and damage to other natural teeth. Ask your surgeon to provide more information about the risks involved with this procedure.


Several steps over a period of time, ranging from 3 months to over 1 year, may be required during implant placement. The amount of time depends on your specific needs. Here are the steps followed for implant therapy:

  1. A dentist inserts the implant into the jawbone, which is allowed to heal for several months.
  2. A dentist attaches a post to the implant, and a temporary artificial tooth is used.
  3. After healing is complete, a permanent tooth is attached.

Caring for Your Implants

Brushing, flossing, and regular dental visits are recommended to avoid the loss of your implants. If you properly care for your implants, they can last all your life. We will monitor your healing and give you more detailed instructions. The better care you take of your implants, the more satisfied you will be with the results.

Implants and Insurance

Typically, implants are not covered by insurance providers. However, the investment in a healthy smile can be priceless. If you have any questions on dental implant choices, procedures, and care, please contact us.


Tooth Whitening

According to the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, Americans place a high value on their smile. Their research has shown: 92% believe an attractive smile is an important social asset. 85% believe an unpleasant smile makes a person less attractive to the opposite sex. 74% believe an unappealing smile can hurt a person’s success career-wise. 50% are not happy about the appearance of their own smile. 

A tooth whitening treatment can lighten your teeth if they have yellowed over time due to tobacco stains, coffee stains, and aging. We offer two options for whitening:


In-Office Power Whitening

Utilizing the latest technology in power whitening, the Zoom! This power bleaching system will get your teeth several shades lighter in about an hour. This level of whitening may be accomplished by placing a high concentration of the special bleaching gel on your teeth and illuminating the area with a whitening lamp for three 20-minute applications.

It may be recommended to augment this procedure with home bleaching to maximize the whitening effect. Click here to learn more.

At-Home Dentist-Supervised Whitening

We will custom-fit soft plastic trays over your teeth and hold the take-home bleaching gel in place. You will place the bleaching gel in the trays as instructed and wear the trays for as little as 30 minutes, twice a day, to up to several hours each day or night. Most patients will see favorable results with regular wear for 2 weeks. With extended use of the home whitening system, more severe stains may lighten.


Root Canal Therapy

The goal of root canal treatment or endodontics is to save teeth rather than remove them. Before modern medicine, the only way to treat diseased teeth was to pull them out. This is not the case today. Thanks to modern dental techniques, more than 90% of the time, we are able to save damaged teeth.

Disorders in the nerve (pulp) of the tooth are treated through root canal therapy. This treatment can save a tooth whose pulp, which contains its nerves and blood supply, is damaged or diseased. Usually, pulp disease means that the tooth will be lost unless we do something to save it. During root canal therapy, the diseased pulp is replaced with a substance that will keep the tooth functional.


Reasons for Root Canals

A diseased or damaged tooth does not heal by itself. If it is not treated, the infection will spread, and bone around the tooth will begin to degenerate. The tooth could eventually fall out. The only alternative is removing the tooth.

Common Factors and Symptoms

  • Trauma (a physical blow)
  • Irritation that is caused by deep decay
  • Advanced gum disease
  • Pain or throbbing while biting
  • Sensitivity to hot and cold
  • Severe decay or an injury that creates inflammation


After examining and X-raying the tooth, it will be determined if a root canal is needed. A series of appointments will be scheduled when the decision for root canal therapy has been made.

First Appointment

The diseased pulp will be removed, and this will leave the canal intact. After the canal is rinsed out, a medication will be placed inside the canal. Finally, a temporary crown will be placed on the treated tooth.

Second Appointment

After the canal is sterilized, it will be filled with a permanent material. It's important to follow all of your instructions to avoid complications.

People constantly hear horror stories about root canals. Rest assured that our clinic will administer medication to ensure that the area is numb and you won't feel pain. Today, a root canal procedure is nearly pain-free. Sometimes, the tissue surrounding the tooth will be sensitive after the procedure. You may take over-the-counter pain medication to help the discomfort.


After we complete the root canal, you may notice a slight discoloration and brittleness with your tooth. In most cases, we will recommend that the treated tooth receive a permanent crown. You may want to ask us about tooth whitening if the tooth is not crowned. A follow-up exam can monitor tissue healing. After this, just brush and floss as usual and visit your dentist on a regular basis.

It is alive because it receives a supply of blood from surrounding tissue. Although the tooth will have no feeling to hot or cold, it will be functional for biting. The tooth should last as long as your other teeth with proper care and regular visits to your dentist or hygienist.



Understanding Adult Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease is a serious infection of the gums and other tissues surrounding the teeth. Millions of Americans have periodontal disease. If this disease is left untreated, it can lead to tooth and bone loss. The welcome news is that periodontal treatment can make your mouth healthier and help you keep your teeth.

Symptoms of Periodontal Disease 

Though the symptoms of periodontal disease are often subtle, the disease is not entirely without warning signs. If you have any of the symptoms below, be sure to let us know.

  • Gums that bleed when you brush or floss
  • Red, swollen, or lender gums
  • Persistent bad breath or bad taste
  • Formation of deep pockets between teeth and gums
  • Loose or shifting teeth
  • Changes in the way teeth fit together every time you bite
  • Periodontal Disease May Progress

You may have periodontal disease and not notice any symptoms. There are three main stages: gingivitis, periodontitis, and advanced periodontitis. Early detection and treatment can help keep periodontal disease from progressing.



Gingivitis is when the gums have become inflamed and bleed easily due to bacteria and plaque. Plaque gets in the space between the gum and tooth, causing "pockets." Good home care and professional cleaning are usually enough to restore healthy gums.


High levels of bacteria initiate a release of tissue-destroying enzymes. These enzymes start a process that results in deeper pockets and bone loss. The goal of the treatment is to stop further damage and reverse the progression of the disease.

Advanced Periodontitis

This is a condition where bacteria and enzymes have caused gum and bone to degrade further. At this stage, tooth loss is possible, and it is critical to avoid this outcome.

Adult Periodontal

Treatments With regular checkups and proper home care, periodontal disease can be diagnosed early and treated. Treatments include scaling and root planing (SRP), enzyme suppression, antibacterial therapy, and surgery. For best results, you may have several kinds of treatments.


Scaling and Root Planing (SRP)

Scaling and root planing is a type of professional tooth cleaning. It removes plaque and tartar from the teeth and smoothens the root surfaces.

Enzyme Suppression Plus

This kind of treatment includes oral medication and helps stop enzymes from attacking gums and bone.

Antibacterial Therapy

This treatment includes oral medication, locally applied antibiotics, and rinses that can help fight bacteria.


Surgical treatment is used for advanced infections and pockets too deep for SRP alone. Surgery may be done on soft tissue or bone to help the healing process.


Caring for Your Teeth at Home

Professional periodontal treatment is an investment in the health of your mouth. Protect that investment by taking care of your mouth. Proper home care includes eating healthy, brushing and flossing, and seeing your dentist regularly. It also includes using any medications as directed.

Eating Healthy

Make nutritious meal choices. Keep these tips in mind: Eat a variety of foods to get a broad range of vitamins and minerals. This will help keep your gums healthy. If you find it difficult to maintain a well-balanced diet, a good nutritional supplement can help.

Brushing and Flossing

Your dentist will design a home care program of brushing and flossing. Follow your program carefully. Proper brushing and flossing will help prevent plaque from forming and gum disease from recurring.

Seeing Your Dentist

Regular maintenance visits include dental exams and cleanings. Remember to keep all of your dental appointments.


Know Your Risks

Certain risk factors can make periodontal disease worse by limiting your ability to fight infection. Others make it worse by lessening blood flow to the gums and other tissues. Even if you have only one of the risk factors listed below, you need to be extra committed to taking care of your teeth and gums.

  • Tobacco use (smoking or chewing)
  • Diabetes
  • Family and/or previous history of periodontal disease
  • Weakened immune system
  • Stress
  • Use of certain medications, such as oral contraceptives steroids, blood pressure drugs, and cancer-fighting drugs

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Archie Dental Group
8013 Laguna Blvd, Suite 2
Elk Grove, CA 95758
Phone: 916-691-6020

Office Hours

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